In order to become a member of the Canadian Highland Cattle Society, you must complete the form provided by the Canadian Livestock Records Corporation (CLRC) and send it with your payment to the address on the form. CLRC will issue and mail you your membership card.
You may also send a request online to CLRC by clicking on the following link:
Online Application:
Before completing the form, we recommend you read the CLRC instructions as the name under which you apply will be the name under which all your animals will be registered.
CLRC instructions:
1.1 Honorary Life Members.
Honorary Life Members are those individuals who have rendered a significant contribution to the Highland breed of cattle and who are elected as such at a general meeting of members. The number of this class of membership is limited to four at any one time.
1.2 Active Life Members.
Active Life Members are those individuals, married couples and couples living together as married couples, resident in Canada, who have complied with the relevant provisions of the Constitution.
1.3 Annual Members.
1.3.1 1.3.1 Annual Members are those. partnerships and firms, whose principal object is farming or ranching, that are resident in Canada corporations, whose principal object is farming or ranching,that are incorporated and resident in Canada; and Individuals, married couples and couples living together as married couples, resident in Canada, that have complied with the relevant provisions of the Constitution.
1.4 1.4 Junior Members.
1.4.1 Junior Members are those individuals, under the age of eighteen and resident in Canada, who have complied with the relevant provisions of the Constitution.
1.4.2 1.4.3 Junior Members are entitled to receive the publications of the Society and to attend general meetings of members. They may serve as fullmembers of special committees of the Society, but may not hold office, move or second motions, vote or be party to petitions.
- You will receive 2 editions per year of The Kyloe Cry – The Official Magazine of the Society.
- You will receive 2 Newsletters per year published by CHCS.
- You will have a free link to your farm web site on both the Canadian Livestock Record Corporation web site.
- You will have access to the electronic version of the book A Canadian Breeder’s Guide to Highland Cattle & other informative articles under the Members Only section of this website.